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Friday, September 6, 2013

I am still ALIVE, and will begin blogging again SOON!

I am here! I am alive! So much has happened since May 2013. I am just going to say a QUICK HELLO and share a few pictures and then I promise I will be back soon!

My twins came home from their first year of college, they went on an amazing Study Abroad trip to Italy, and now they are already back in school in Missouri for year number two. Bitter Sweet! My little guy just started High School, I don't know how that happened. And we enjoyed a few family vacations this summer, quick but fun.

Creative Memories and the scrapbooking program I have used for years and years is NO MORE. I have moved over to a new company, which was actually the original makers of the Creative Memories program, Panstoria Historian 4 photo management and editing software check it out.

Panstoria Artisan

This is how I make all my scrapbooking pages on my blog, so I've gotta do a little switching over and before I even had begun this process, my computer CRASHED three nights ago, yep CRASHED! Thank the Lord for Carbonite, in the process of re-storing everything now. So, that too will help me get back up and running.

And then, YEP it just keeps getting better and better! Just as I was going to begin "blogging" again, my house flooded. Yep, the entire thing from an upstairs supply hose. Needless to say, the below pictures are from my home and I have no home right now, let alone any kitchen to cook in. AH, looking at the bright side, I will be getting a brand new kitchen (again!)! Yeah, I've already remodeled once or twice before, so here we go again. Not only is it a new kitchen, two new bathrooms, the stairs, the hallways, the bonus room, the scrapbook room and the Master Bedroom Closet and part of the room too! FUN TIMES!

Yep, that's ME! My cute painted toes and all reading my Food & Family Magazine waiting for the many many contractors to arrive on a daily bases. And YEAH that was my kitchen you are looking at. So, now that you are all caught up on my life, I WILL BE BACK as soon as I can cooking and blogging in my brand new kitchen (and home!)