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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Almond Chicken Salad Sandwich

A delicious quick Chicken Sandwich, that is so different then your normal Chicken Salad with cheese added into the mix. The first time I served this was at scrapbooking workshop full of women and it had awesome reviews. So, this has quickly become our "go-to" Chicken Salad recipe. (Thanks to a mom at my kids school for sharing this with the PFC, Parent Fellowship Counsel)

Almond Chicken Salad
from Lisa

6 boiled chicken breast, chopped, shredded
1 tsp garlic salt
1-1/4 cup Mayonnaise
1 cup toasted almonds, chopped
1 cup Monterrey Jack Cheese

Mix all ingredients together, except for the almonds. May be refrigerated overnight (but add the almonds right before serving). May add more mayonnaise if needed.

We are looking for recipes
Christmas Baking: Sweets, Treats, Candy & Gift Ideas
please link up if you have any to share. 


  1. Hi Tina! Oh yes lady, I would totally love this chicken salad! My husband always thinks I am strange that I put a slice of cheese on my salad sandwiches but it certainly makes a huge difference! I see you are having a holiday linky! I would love to mention it on my thoughts on friday link love at a moderate life so more folks can find out about it! Thanks for sharing on the hearth and soul hop! All the best! Alex@amoderatelife

  2. I love chicken salad - never thought to add cheese! Can't wait to try it this way!!

  3. Tina, I like the addition of the almonds. I used to cut up water chestnuts for the crunch but the flavor of the almonds must be a real treat.

    Thanks for linking this to Let's Do Lunch.
