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Monday, February 28, 2011

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS #18 (KID-FRIENDLY) and Chicken Crescent Rolls

The Theme is: Kid-Friendly Recipes/Family Cooking

I can not even tell you the number of times my family has enjoyed this recipe. I've been making it since about 1991 or before. I made it long ago when I was single, I made it when I was newly married (the first time), then I made it time and time again after my twins were born, every kid loves it. And now my husband (yes, second marriage and my last) and my son who is 11 years old, enjoy this easy dinner, it's for sure one of my son's favorites (and he is a picky picky kid).  My mom makes it, my mother-in-law loves it, my nieces make it and so many more people that I have shared it with. This recipe has once again become a staple in our home. It's funny how this recipe, gets forgotten then comes back again and again through the years. It really it that good!

Chicken Crescent Rolls
I've been making this recipe since 1991, it's from an ole' friends grandma!

1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1/2 cube of butter
1 pkg cream cheese
4 cups diced/shredded chicken, pre-cooked
1 pkg Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
Sprinkle of Paprika

Chicken needs to be pre-cooked, diced and/or shredded first. This is a great way to use left-over chicken, make it with a fresh rotisserie chicken or just boil up a few chicken breast and shredded them before you begin.  Then mix all the ingredients together (except chicken) and put in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes just for the butter and cream cheese to melt, then add in shredded chicken. Put a spoonful of the chicken mixture into each roll and roll them up. Sprinkle with a little paprika (and/or a bit of Grandma's Salt), bake at 350 for approx 12-16 minutes.

Please only link recipes with our theme!
This week's theme is: Kid-Friendly Recipes/Family Cooking

Here is a complete list of the past weeks and a list of what's coming up on This Week's Cravings!

If you are a regular PLEASE link-up, you know how this is done, so let's see what you have to share! (I am excited about each of your recipes) If you are new please read & follow the simple rules, so everyone can enjoy the linky party! If you forget to link back or add a button IN YOUR post you will receive a gentle reminder to add it. THANKS A MILLION!
Please Grab Our Button!!!

This Week's Cravings Past & Future Recipe Links

March 7 - Romantic Dinner Recipes

March 14 - St. Patricks Celebration - GO GREEN!!!

March 21 - Chocolate - Chocolate and more Chocolate !!!

March 28 - "Surprise" Ingredient

April 4 - HUBBY COOKS (I can't wait to see what the husbands come up with)

This is a BLOG HOP Party so please visit other links
and meet some great BLOGGERS!

I would also love to ask each and every one of my blog readers to PLEASE PLEASE VOTE for my twins to win a $2,000 college scholarship (just CLICK VOTE and that's all you have to do). We visited another school this weekend and we are IN LOVE with Point Loma University, but we have many other Christian schools to look at before we pick our favorite college. I am so excited about this journey and can't wait to watch my girls continue to grow into wonderful young ladies!


  1. I don't see how to delete my post, so I don't mind if you do it...I linked all my 'linkys' on a separate page this time (first time trying it out this way so my posts weren't so long and hard to load), but I see you asked that people not do that. Sorry! Trying to hurry through!

  2. Tina, Those Chicken Crescents look like something that would be easy for a Ladies' Day at church. Thanks! Hey, I'm your newest follower, please visit my blog and consider joining my followers, as well. Have a blessed day!

  3. Hi Tina! I hope you consider the recipe that I am sharing today kid friendly! I don't have children so I have not ever focused on that!
    I think there are several tasks (squishing the bananas) that a child could help with.
    My recipe is for Banana Walnut Cookies and everyone that has tasted them thinks they are amazing! They have cinnamon chips in them and I think that really makes them special.
    Thanks for hosting!

  4. Thank you for hostessing! I love all the great themes you have planned.

  5. amazing! thanks for sharing all these recipes.

  6. Hi Tina,
    I am so excited that I actually had a post that I could bring over today. Your Chicken Crescent Rolls look delicious. Thank you for sharing and hosting today. Hope you have a great week!

  7. ACK tina! I linked up the wrong URL but the right picture. Will re-link and then please delete the first! Thanks! LOL you would think I would know this stuff but I even screw up some times! All the best! Alex

  8. Thanks for the invite! Everything looks yummy!

  9. Thanks for sharing your linkup with me! How fun.

    I shared a handful of kid friendly foody projects. :)

  10. Thanks for hosting this blog hop! I'm your newest follower from A Season For All Things. ~ Ellen

  11. Thanks for inviting me to your party.I have linked up my hubby's Rich burgers. They are so good.

  12. Thanks for the invite! I am all linked up with Oreo Lollipops, Multi Colored Cupcakes, and my kids favorite, Pizzaghetti. :) Hope that's okay that I linked up with 3.

  13. Wasn't invited, but jumped in anyway! :) Hope that's ok. I saw your link up on another site, and couldn't resist adding an allergy-friendly gluten-free recipe for the kiddos with food allergies/intolerances!

    Love your site - so upbeat and great info/recipes! :)


  14. Thanks for inviting me over! I'm always down for a new link party - especially one as delicious as this!

  15. Tina, thanks for your amazing recipe! I haven't made anything kid friendly in ages -- hope to be linking up with a romantic recipe next week! :) Thanks for linking up with Friday Potluck!

  16. Love this recipe and make it all the time, mine has no mayo though... might have to try it. Thanks for linking Flaunt it Friday! :)

  17. These look so good! What a great kid friendly recipe. Thank you so much for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence. Hope we'll see you again soon with another great recipe!

    Heather @At The Picket Fence

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