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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Family Meal Planing 3-28-11

We are skipping our grocery budget this week and eating what we have in the house! In January of this year when I made this plan of $150 per week for my grocery shopping I did NOT take into consideration 5 weeks in a month, OPPS!!! Kinda missed the boat on that one, funny actually, but I still can't believe I didn't think about that. Well, since there is only a few of those months per year I am not gonna change my game plan. On the 5th week of the month we will just do a freezer and/or pantry clean out and work with what we have.

With this being the first week of my daughter eating GLUTEN-FREE I did pop into my favorite store; Sprouts; as they are so friendly with gluten-free labeling and spent just $52 bucks (yes, this is not going to be easy or cheap). I am excited though about getting back into my kitchen, it seems like forever since I really made some NEW recipes and did a little experimenting. So, I am excited about that.

Sorry, sun in my eyes.... But this is ME!
Apparently OVERWEIGHT!
Now, I would love to loose 10 lbs
but NEVER in a million years would I think this is

But, I would first like to vent a little to my readers, in hopes to educate all of you about this sick world we have when it comes to weight. My husband and I are attending Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey, which we absolutely love. It has totally got us on track by setting up a budget and a game plan for becoming debt-free and paying off our house way quicker then I ever dreamed possible. Along the way there are many other things this class takes you through like setting up Life Insurance and maximizing Retirement and things of that nature. This brought us to setting up our Term-Life Insurance policy and I just found out that my premiums are DOUBLE, yes DOUBLE because of my weight. Okay, so I'd like to show you all a picture of me. Really, OVERWEIGHT? Are you kidding me? I would love to loose 10 lbs, to look better in a bathing suit. But, never in a million years would I of thought this as OVERWEIGHT. I am so appalled and so mad, I can't even think straight. (Okay, that's all thanks for letting me vent, I guess I am going on a diet to loose 20 lbs so I can save $8,000 dollars on my Life Insurance policy!)

Now, let's move onto things that really matter! Thanks for all the prayers for my daughter who had her Colonoscopy and Upper Endoscopy last Friday to check for celiac (it takes 4 weeks for results, so I know nothing yet). WOW that is the hardest thing EVER! To watch your child be put under and go through a simple procedure, I can't imagine those who have far worse events with their children. This was the hardest thing I have ever had to do with my own kids. 

Our GLUTEN-FREE meal planning is under way. I am just testing the waters here but I am slowing moving out all the Gluten-FULL products from my house and movin' in GLUTEN-FREE. I think this is how I am going to eventually cook (although I can't be sure, but that's my thoughts now). I know my son will still want his favorites every now and again, but there is no reason why I can't use gluten-free flour, gluten-free pasta and bread crumbs and things like that. I am sure the next few months will be filled with lots of trial and errors and much learning along the way. I just know that I am ready to begin this journey.

Our Family Meal Plan for this week. I'd love to hear if you have any short cuts, tricks or tips.
Check back and we will link the actual recipe!
(not all recipes will become reality so if there is not a link, we haven't made it yet)

G'ma Simple Spaghetti (we used Corn Pasta, GLUTEN-FREE)
Frog Smoothie (GLUTEN-FREE) & frozen Muffin
Logan County Burgers (on a bed of lettuce, no bun)
Sausage & Eggs
Chicken Crescent Rolls (just for my son)
Apple Sausage Pasta (NEW recipe, GLUTEN-FREE)
Carrot Raisin Breakfast Rice (NEW recipe, GLUTEN-FREE)
click for the recipe: Frog Smoothie

Also don't forget our weekly linky party
this week is "Surprise/Secret Ingredient"
(What can you hide in your food?)


  1. Hi Tina, I just stumbled across your blog yesterday for the weekly linky party. Going GF can be a touch challenge at first, but I haven't found it to be that difficult after I learned what I could and could not have. I wanted to share some blogs with you that might help as your family transitions to GF.

    One of my favorite quick and easy, kid-friendly GF bloggers is Stephanie has a ton of recipes and they are all in the crockpot, which makes GF cooking so much easier!

    Another one of my favorite bloggers is All of Shirley’s recipes are truly easy GF recipes.

    And, of course, my blog is :)

    I’m sure you’ll find this to be true as well, but the GF blogging community has tremendously helped me to transition quickly and easily to the GF diet. And, not spend a fortune doing it! If you have any questions about what GF products are best, please don’t hesitate to ask. Good luck! I hope your daughter starts feeling better soon.

  2. We certainly live in a crazy world where they charge you double for being overweight - you look perfectly healthy to me - I can see why you are mad. Good luck on your g/f journey - it gets easier as you go along! Thanks for linking to the Hearth and Soul Hop!

  3. Hi thanks for the link party and for stopping by my blog bacon time. Just wanted to let you know I do have your button already on my blog under places I like to party! It is posted on the home page 24/7.

  4. Love your blog.
    Head over to my blog to get your award.

  5. We are in the middle of Dave Ramsey's FPU right now too! Learning a lot & loving all the info!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, so glad I found you! I'm your newest follower :)

  6. Tina! So sorry an outdated chart in an insurance company manual is making you feel any type of emotion! Seriously they only do it to make more money for themselves and make everyone feel badly about their body. YOU look simply beautiful and full of life! UGH! I also wanted to tell you that I love your frog smoothie! I tried it today as an alternate to my usual green smoothie and it was delicious so I am featuring it in my I tried it at a moderate life this friday! Thanks for sharing it with us on the hearth and soul hop! All the best, Alex

  7. Tina, I really admire what you and your husband are doing, and I'm sorry that the life insurance company is making its money off of giving perfectly healthy people complexes about their weight. Ugh!

    Thank you for sharing your great ideas for budgeting, eating healthily, and gluten free at Rook No. 17. I like the way the Frog Smoothie incorporates the healthy greens!

    Warmest wishes,
