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Sunday, September 25, 2011

My BABIES are 18 years old today!!!

My twin daughters are 18 years old today! 18 years ago, I could not even dream of this day and now it is here. I wrote a wonderful letter and posted last year on their 17th Birthday, here it is if you wish to read it: Ashlyn & Kayley's 17th Birthday Post.

Ashlyn (left) and Kayley (right)
 To my beautiful daughters: I am SO happy that I pulled off the BIGGEST surprise of your life and we are in NEW YORK CITY right now celebrating your 18th Birthday!!! I hope that New York City is everything you ever dreamed of and that you are having the time of your life.

Of course, I can NOT believe how fast this year went, it's here! It's finally here, you are 18 years old and in your last year of high school. It is very bitter sweet for a mother. There are so many exciting things happening in your life right now. Senior Year of High School, your first "real" jobs, dancing like you've never danced before and getting ready for that huge adventure called "college".

I hope you have fun, relax and have the time of your life this entire year. Live it up girls!!! I could not be more proud of you then I am right now. I love you both forever and ever and I can't wait to see what God has planned for you next.

Kayley (left) and Ashlyn (right)

Watch out World! Here they come!

Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.


  1. Happy Birthday both are beautiful!

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope the trip to NYC was amazing.

  3. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughters! Looks like you have a lot to be proud of (:

  4. They are beauty!! I have twins too, but a man and a girl they have 17 now!! Happy belated birthday to these beauties!!LOL

  5. Your twins are beautiful. I have twins too. They are only 14 months, but I am sure the next 17 years will fly by! Happy Belated Birthday to your lovely twins! :)
