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Monday, October 3, 2011

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS #49 (SANDWICH) and Bagel Avocado Open-Faced Sandwich

The Theme is: Sandwiches
(Please share with us your favorite sandwich!)

This is an all-time favorite of my girls. They LOVE LOVE this sandwich that one of my friends shared with them at the river a few years ago. It's so simple, so easy and yet so delicious! We forget about it and haven't had it in a while and when made it for them today so I could photograph it and blog about it they said once again "this is the best sandwich ever".

Bagel Avocado Open-Faced Sandwich
from a long-time friend Lisa

1 bagel (toast or not)
cream cheese
turkey or ham
1 avocado

Toast your bagel, if you wish. Spread with cream cheese, layer with ham or turkey and top with slices of avocado. And yep. that's it! ENJOY!

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS is just about one year old! I can not believe I have been blogging and linking for over a year now. I really have enjoyed every minute of it! It's SO fun!  And THANK YOU all of my readers & bloggers.

I have a request... some one you have been following along and loving my linky party... the theme week's and I am looking for 2 or 3 bloggers to help host THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS. The commitment is low, but it is EVERY week, on Monday and you too will host this same linky party on your blog along with me. The new year starts in about 3 weeks and I would love to add a few more bloggers to the hostess list. If you are interested please email me at

Please Grab Our Button !!!

This Week's Cravings Upcoming Linky "THEMES"
Here is a complete list of the past and what's coming up next on THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS!

October 10 - Angel Food Cake Day

October 17 - Any Pasta Recipe

October 24 - Halloween Treats & What to do with Left-Over Candy?

October 31 - National "Men Make Dinner" Day

This is a BLOG Party hosted by From My Tiny Kitchen and MOMS CRAZY COOKING. If you are a regular link-up we're excited to see what you made this week. If you are new please read and follow the simple rules, so that everyone can enjoy the linky party! If you forget to follow the theme, your post will be deleted. Please don't feel hurt, just come back and link up a recipe that follows the theme. Thanks a million, we look forward to blogging with you!

The LINKY PARTY is opened ALL Week!
PLEASE do not link more then 3 recipes per week.
This week's theme is: SANDWICH 
Please only link recipes with our theme!


  1. This is amazing and new to me! I never know that avocado will do for sandwich. How's the taste?

  2. Yum - that sandwich is right up my husband's alley!

  3. What an easy sandwich to put together, that would taste great. Thanks for sharing!

  4. It's a good thing that I was researching this challenge for today-boy idd I need it yesterday.

    Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  5. So sorry that I linked this up. My son was distracting me and I linked the wrong recipe. Can you delete it for me! Thanks :)

    The Farm Girl
