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Monday, November 7, 2011

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS #54 (CAKES) and Twix Gooey Butter Cake

Twix Gooey Butter Cake

We've made it one-year, and still enjoying every minute. Our linky party started one-year ago by myself MOMS CRAZY COOKING, Kristen FROM MY TINY KITCHEN and Kristin DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY COOKIN'. We have had thousand upon thousands of link-ups.... I've found some of my favorite recipes-to-date through these linky parties and I am still LOVIN' all of the themes. If you are new here browse around some past themes at THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS and you'll see why we are having so much fun. We host a theme linky party every Monday (and the party stays open all week long)! We hope to inspire you to make something with our theme or get an old post notice by linking it up to the linky party below. Since today is our 1 year Linky-versary, we have decided to make CAKES our theme. Please link up some of your favorite cake recipes.

This year will are sticking with the same SIMPLE RULES and now all of the themes for the entire year are list here on the THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS tab, plan ahead, check out the weeks you want to make sure to link up or just browse them to see what's going on.

We also have some new hostess this year, please help me in welcoming them.

Your Hostess for 2012 will be
As hosts, we will try our hardest to visit as many of the links we can. We all enjoy your links and look forward to gathering recipes each week. Please know, that if there is a recipe category you would like to suggest to us, email any of us or leave a comment anytime.


Twix Gooey Butter Cake
found on Ginger Bread Bagels, originally from Paula Dean at The Lady & Sons Restaurant in Savannah, Georgia

Bottom Layer
2 cups of cake flour
1-1/4 cups sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 egg, at room temperature
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 tbsp whole milk

Top Layer
8 oz cream cheese, softened
2 eggs, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2-2/3 cups powdered sugar
10-12 chopped Twix Bars, fun sized

Sift together the cake flour, sugar, baking powder and kosher salt into a lareg mixing bowl. Mix together with a paddle attachment. Add the egg, melted butter and milk. Mix to combine completely. Press the dough evenly in the bottom of a lightly greased 9x13 baking dish. Set aside.

In a bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment mix the cream cheese until it's smooth. Add the eggs, vanilla and melted butter. Mix on medium speed until the batter is combined. Then add in the powdered sugar (do not sift) and mix until the batter is completely combined and smooth. If there are some lumps, it's ok. Pour the batter on top of the bottom layer. Spread it out evenly.

Take 10 fun-sized Twix and chop them into about 5 pieces each. Place them on top of the Gooey Butter cake, befor eyou bake it. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Be careful not to over bake, because it will look like it is not done. Once cooled, cut into pieces and serve!

Please Grab Our Button !!!

This Week's Cravings Upcoming Linky "THEMES"
Here is a complete list of the past and what's coming up next on THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS!

November 14 - Your Best PUMPKIN Recipes

November 21 - Thanksgiving Dinner & Desserts

November 28 - French Toast, Pancakes, Waffles & More

December 5 - Christmas Baking: Sweets, Treats, Candy & Gift Ideas

If you are a regular link-up we're excited to see what you made this week. If you are new please read and follow the simple rules, so that everyone can enjoy the linky party! If you forget to follow the theme, your post will be deleted. Please don't feel hurt, just come back and link up a recipe that follows the theme. Thanks a million, we look forward to blogging with you!

The LINKY PARTY is opened ALL Week!

PLEASE do not link more then 3 recipes per week.
This week's theme is: CAKES
Please only link recipes with our theme!

This week's theme is: CAKES
Please only link recipes with our theme!


  1. Thank you for hosting the party Tina!! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday!!

  2. Couldn't get the bloggy button to work, so I copied it, pasted it, and made a link. Sorry - but thanks for hosting this linky!

  3. I've wanted to eat this since you gave me the sneak peek. Goodness this sounds heavenly and looks AH-MAY-ZING.
    Thanks for bring me in as a co-host for This Week's Cravings (which I accidentally said on the other post and not this one.) That's what I get for trying to multi-task and have too many windows I'm bouncing between. haha
    I love everything you host! :)

  4. Congratulations! I Love your linky parties! I added My Turtle Birthday Cake, Mama's Blueberry Cake and Apple Coffee Cake. I'd love for you to join our Thursday's Treasures. <3 and hugs!

  5. Happy 'Linky Party Anniversary!!' Love joining in your parties. Thanks so much for hosting!
