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Monday, February 13, 2012

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS #68 (Valetine's Day Treats & Romantic Dinners) and White Chocolate Heart Suckers

(Valentine's Day Treats & Romantic Dinners)
White Chocolate Heart Suckers

Valentine's Day in our house has always been about the kids exchanging those cute little cards at school, having a class party and coming home with lots of goodies! And then my kids grew up! How did that happen? There is very little romantic things when you have a house full of kids... (and since we've never be ALONE... we have a his, mine and ours situation going on). I keep thinking when they move out, go off to college and are all grown up? We have one out the door, two more in just a few months and then we've got one more kid to go! Empty Nest? I don't think so... I am sure when it comes time, I will be crying the blues... but for now, I will just dream of Romantic Days with my hubby! This year I will be taking my little guy (he is 12 yrs old) to Disneyland to celebrate Valentine's Day with him and enjoy my favorite treat Hot Caramel Apples, my husband will be at work :-(

But let's talk about this CUTE little treat first. Who has some left over Candy Canes? (I know, you'll have to remember to buy extra next year) But, for those of you who do have some left over candy canes, this is SUCH a cute treat for Valentine's Day. (Hey, I saw some candy canes on the clearance isle at Rite Aid about 2 weeks ago... maybe there is still time to grab some... yes I know it's February.) I read that Candy Canes last forever, and other sources say at least 4 to 5 years, so a few years ago while on a camping trip my mom and I found about 50 boxes of candy canes, the BIG ones (like this photo... in all the fun flavors too)! They were clearance, clearance, clearance and yep we bought them all. They were only 1 cent. Yep! 1 cent and we bought all 50 boxes! I don't have any left now, but they lasted atleast two years at our house! We mainly bought them for Operation Christmas Child, which are shoe boxes we package up every year to donate to children in third world countries, but a few boxes here and there were used for recipes.

White Chocolate Heart Suckers
found this recipe on Not So Idle Hands, but originally it's from The Idea Room

Candy Canes (any color / any flavor)
White Chocolate Melts

Big or small candy canes, doesn't matter, but just FYI the big candy canes take ALOT of chocolate, so if you are giving these away to little kids, the small ones might be better or if you want to make a BIG impression, make the big ones.

Simply take two candy canes and place them in a heart shape on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Slide a sucker stick in between them like you see in the picture above. Place them in a heated 350 degree oven and watch them closely, they only need about 2 to 4 minutes. They will be melty and bubbly (do NOT walk away.. as soon as they start to melt and bubble remove them from oven).  Quickly remove them from the oven and pinch the ends of the candy canes together at the top and bottom of each sucker. Be careful as the candy will be HOT, use another stick or two butter knifes to help squeeze them together.

Set the tray aside to let them cool completely.  Melt some white chocolate in the microwave. Pour a small amount into the center of the suckers and smooth. This can be done with your finger, a knife or just by tapping the cookie sheet. Added a few colorful sprinkles when the chocolate is still wet and then let then cool again before packaging or better yet…Eating!

Add a cute little bow and you've got the perfect Valentine Day Treat! ENJOY!

Please only link recipes with our theme!

If you are a regular to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS Linky party, then link-up we're excited to see what you made this week. If you are new, please just follow our simple rules, so that everyone can enjoy the linky party! If you forget to follow the theme, your post will be deleted. Please don't feel hurt, just come back and link up a recipe that follows the theme. Thanks a million, we look forward to blogging with you!

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This Week's Cravings Upcoming Linky "THEMES"
Here is a complete list of the past and what's coming up next on THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS!
February 20 - Mexican Appetizers (Avocado Recipes & Salsa Recipes)
February 27 - Smoothies and Shakes

March 5 - (5) Ingredient Meals (Rachel Ray or make up your own)

March 12 - St. Patrick's Day - GREEN FOOD - Everything Green!
Your hostess for this party are: Tina from MOMS CRAZY COOKING, Angela from Big Bear's Wife, Nicole from The Daily Dish and Kristi from Veggie Converter. We host this theme linky party every Monday (and the party stays open all week long)! We hope to inspire you to make something with our theme or get an old post notice by linking it up to the linky party below. 
The LINKY PARTY is opened ALL Week!

PLEASE do not link more then 3 recipes per week.
Please only link recipes with our theme!

Please only link recipes with our theme!


  1. Good Morning Tina,
    Lots of great ideas for Valentine. I am sharing my Hershey's Chocolate Cake. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  2. So many wonderful Valentine's Day ideas! Thanks so much for hosting Tina :)

  3. Those look really pretty! Hope you have a nice time at Disney Land! Enjoy!
