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Monday, May 7, 2012

Grilled Mozzarella Sandwich and CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE

CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE #9 - Grill Cheese Sandwich
Grilled Mozzarella Sandwich

WOW! This is my 500th POST!!!

Before I start into the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE, I want to annouce that this here is my 500th POST. Who would of thought, just a little less then 2 years ago I would have started this blog and continued it for this long, LOVING every minute. I want to thank you ALL, for reading, commenting, baking and cooking along with me. For everyone who has tried my recipes, THANK YOU! And for all your words of encouragement along the way. It means the world to me! I am BLESSED! :-)

Yep, here we go, it's that time again. Time for another challenge. This month we are makng GRILL CHEESE SANDWICHES, if you enjoyed these as a kid, then lets go down memory lane or if you still LOVE them as an adult (like me) then look at all these amazing creations below. This CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE is still as exciting as it was the first month, if you haven't heard of this yet, then you MUST READ ALL ABOUT IT!


Wondering what the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE is? Want to join the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE? If so, we'd love to have you. Just click on the button above or the tab and fill out the form. You will then be sent an email with all the details. Only participants of the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE will be able to have their recipes linked-up, so if you missed this month please come join us for next month when we will be searching for the ULTIMATE Smoothie.

I LOVE grill cheese sandwiches and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. I know, could it get any better. I had countless amounts of this combo growing up and my kids have had countless amounts of these also. But, I have to admit I have NEVER EVER made any other kind of Grill Cheese Sandwich. It's always been 2 slices of white bread (YUM) and 2 slices of Kraft American Cheese (from the package), this is the ONLY way I make it and this is the ONLY way I like it. If you try and put cheddar or any other kind it's just not the same. Then I had this challenge come up and I could not make just this ole' fashion Grill Cheese, so I went a searchin'.

I found this Grilled Mozzarella Sandich over at Sarah's Cucina Bella and since it originally came from Martha Stewart, I thought I must give it a try (and secretly I LOVE mozzarella cheese and have never in my wildest dreams thought of making a grill cheese from it). The recipe was simple, things you should all have at home, no fancy cheeses and YOU CUT OFF THE CRUST, any kid would love this. I know my little boy hates crust. This sandwich reminds me a little of a Monte Cristo Sandwich (which is one of our favorite's of all time), but with just all cheese inside. It did not diappoint me and my kids loved it too.

Grilled Mozzarella Sandwich
recipe found at Sarah's Cucina Bella
originally from Martha Stewart

(makes 5 sandwiches)

5 to 10 slices fresh mozzarella (add 1 to 2 slices per sandwich)
10 slices White Bread (thick or thin), but CUT THE CRUST OFF!
2 large eggs
1/2 cup half and half or heavy cream
1/2 tsp dried basil, or 1 tsp fresh basil, torn into small pieces
1 tsp kosher salt
a dash of nutmeg
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp butter

In a medium skillet, heat half of the olive oil and half of the butter. Combine eggs, half and half (or cream), basil, kosher salt and nutmeg in a medium bowl. Beat together until well mixed. Keep the whisk handy, as you will want to remix later.

Place the one slice mozzarella between two slices of bread and dip into the egg mixture. Next place it in the skillet. Let each sandwich brown on both sides. Serve Hot.

To place a VOTE for my recipe, make sure to CLICK on #1


  1. Tina, what a fabulous find, yum! And I do have all the ingredients on hand, this might just be what's for dinner tonight! Thanks for hosting and congrats on 500!!!!! Now get busy on the next 500, hugs!

  2. That sounds absolutely amazing! Grill Cheese always bring out the kid in me too! Thank you as always for hosting!

  3. This looks great! Love all the grilled cheese recipes today!

  4. Oh my....can't go wrong with grilled mozzerella! This sounds amazing! Thanks again for hosting!

  5. Wow, took about 20 minutes, but I finally was able to link back. Phew...
    Your grilled cheese looks delish!

  6. This was the most fun challenge! I actually think I say this every month but this is my fav. so far C: Thanks so much!

  7. First, I would like to say that I loved this months challenge! Great idea! And this husband would love it {I'm not a big mozzarella fan}!

  8. Congratulations! on your 500th post. That's awesome as is your Grilled Cheese sandwich. I just LUV cheese so it's going to be hard to decide which is my favorite. I'll just have to make everyone's recipe and be in grilled cheese heaven.

    Thanks so much for hosting,

  9. Oh Tina, this looks fantastic!! Yum! I love Moz. cheese!

  10. ooooo Elaborate!!! ;-) and yummy. ;-) Congrats, honey!

  11. Mine was a little monte cristo too - so many tantalizing selections this month. I think I'm going to gain 10 pounds just reading about them all. I hope you'll stop by to see my Muzzi in Caruzzi grilled cheese.


  12. Oops, I forgot to say congrats on your 500th post!

  13. Yum, this looks wonderful! I love Mozzarella also! Congratulations on your 500th blog!! What an accomplishment! You have been very busy!!:)

  14. thanks for posting. looks great. saying hi from #63!! Have a great day and hope having us link up saved you some time!

  15. I've had a very similar recipe before and it is super super good!

    I stumbled, pinned, Fb'd, tweeted, and voted for your grilled cheese! I've also stumbled up to #78 :)

  16. Oh, I love this one! Especially with the egg dip :) Gooey and wonderful~

  17. Saying Hi from #80, what a lovely recipe, love mozzarella too, I would love to give this a try..

  18. Yum! Simple yet awesome! And congrats on your 500th post!

  19. This sounds just heavenly, I love grilled cheese. I just signed up for next month, but I'm secretly bummed that I didn't sign up sooner!

  20. Congrats on your 500th post, that's awesome. Your sandwich looks super yummy! Thanks for hosting, can't wait to go through and look at all the grilled cheese variations linked up!

  21. Wow! Congratulations on your 500th post!! And your grilled cheese looks amazing!

    Jen #40

  22. I really want to join the Crazy Cooking Challenge! Just found out about it today, figures today is the recipe day and everyone made grilled cheese, of all things. I LOVE grilled cheese and am so sad I missed out and have to wait until next month :( It's only 8:45 pm here and we haven't had dinner yet, wish I could still join and make grilled cheese for dinner!

  23. congrats on ur 500th post!! the sandwich looks yumm...

  24. Congratulations on your 500th post! This sandwich looks really good. I love the picture with the cheese oozing out! Thank you so much for hosting the challenge, I love participating in it!
