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Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's a NEW year and I am "under construction" (STILL)!

2009 My HAPPY weight (right side) 150lbs
I have been on this weight-loss roller coaster for many years. The biggest accomplishment was in 2009/2010 (about 4 years ago), when I got down to my current goal weight. But, since then I have tried and tried; again and again and it's so exhausting to re-start this cycle over and over again. I've blogged about my Biggest Loser Challenge from the beginning of 2013 and my Shrinkvivor Diet from 2010, when I actually finally got down to a wonderful acceptable weight for my own self.

I was mortified when I stepped on the scale in 2013 and realized I was at 182 lbs.  After seeing several pictures of myself (over and over again), I knew this was reality and I needed to do something NOW! (The last picture was after my 13lb weight loss at the end of 2013.) I was happy, but I am still pushing forward.
But today, I begin again. And my hope as it is every time that this will be my last and final time that I have to struggle with this up and down roller coaster. I want to be at my happy weight and then be able to eat healthy and maintain that happy weight with diet and exercise.

I just started a Facebook Private Group Page with friends, family, neighbors and new friends invited by other friends and in just the few days we've had this going it is a HUGE inspiration, a HUGE accountability partner and it's going wonderfully. We are weighing in on Wednesdays with each other posting our weight and goals. We have our first goal which is 8 weeks from now and we will continue throughout 2014, I am sure we will have more people join in, and we will fall off the wagon a time or two, but having each other inspire one another and help each other with motivation and checking in with each other will make our group successful.

I believe it is impossible to take this journey on by yourself, and I also believe sharing and speaking your goals and weight out loud helps you stay accountable to others. And that is why, I will share it here too.

Total Weight Loss

Down 13 lbs 

First Week’s Weight (blue shirt): (May 28, 2013 began exercise program)
Today’s Weight:
Yes, this is my Iphone SCREEN SAVER for the week.
I can't wait til next week when I get to update this photo with a NEW lower number.

this week loss:
first week recording on blog
Challenge goal weight (in the next 8 weeks, February 28, 2014):
Ultimate goal weight:

LIFE-TIME Goal would to be in the 130’s, and yes I don’t even care if it’s 139. I am posting my weight here because it's said "Coming to terms with the number on the scale can aid you in your weight-loss”.


  1. It has been a struggle for me this past year, with changes in lifestyle, eating habits and even sleep habits. I am currently back up to the high end of the scale - 198; with a goal of being down to 175 by the end of April.

  2. I was a yo-yo dieter for years and succeeded on a basic calorie controlled / exercise programme but the weight crept back on. The most success I've had though is by following the Paul McKenna I can make you thin book. He's an irritating guy but it genuinely works.

    They've even done some research which proves that on normal diets you have a 90% chance of failure so don't beat yourself up.

    Good luck.

  3. Oh and I was 172 lbs but now I'm down to 144 and way fitter.

  4. An extraordinary weight loss effort. This is the motivation for me to lose weight. Do I use tra giam can, do not know if they are safe?

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