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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Best BBQ Burgers (on a bed of lettuce) (GLUTEN-FREE)

Ya, can't beat a nice juicy hamburger patty. I would eat one of these any day of the week. We like to pre-make these hamburger patties and store them in the freezer, this way we can have fresh hamburgers patties at any time. We are trying to eat GLUTEN-FREE and a little healthier so we skipped the bun, but for my son he enjoyed a hamburger bun. It's great that we can make these burgers and everyone is happy! Enjoy this simple yet delicious recipe!

Click here to see all the GLUTEN-FREE recipes we've been making!

Best BBQ Burgers

2 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp chili sauce
2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 tsp seasoned salt
1 garlic clove, minced
1 lb ground beef (we use half ground beef & half turkey)
6 hamburger buns or a bed of lettuce

In a large bowl combine the first seven ingredients. Crumble beef of mixture and mix well. Shape into six patties and grill.

Homemade Sauce
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp relish

Mix all together and serve ontop of hamburger patty/salad (no need for salad dressing either).

I LOVE Linky Parties, (CLICK TO SEE ALL PARTIES), and it's Thursday, almost time for the weekend. Today, we will link to these wonderful linky parties, check them out and join in! Full Plate Thursday, Prairie Story Recipe Swap Strut Your Stuff, Thrilling Thursday, Try New Adventures Thursdays, What's Cooking Thursday, Pennywise Platter ThursdayTransformation Thursday, Slightly Indulgent TuesdayGluten-Free WednesdaysReal-Food Wednesday, Food & Health Carnival and Ultimate Recipe Swap


  1. Mmmm, I could totally go for a cheeseburger right about now...

  2. Those burgers look great! My hubby will love this!

  3. Yummy! That's an adventure my hubby would love. =)

  4. My husband helped me cook the shrimp tacos :) Helping me with certain recipes are the closest I let him near my stove - lol.

  5. Oh goodness, this looks amazing!! I will be whipping up some of these. :)

    Thanks for sharing at What's Cooking Thursdays!

  6. Hi Tina,
    I just love your Burgers, oh why can't I just have one right now, it looks delicious. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  7. I love the flavor of these, but there is no way I could have grilled these! With all the liquid ingredients mine came out really hard to keep together in patty form, I cooked them in a cast iron skillet. Still taste yummy though!

  8. I love the flavor of these, Texas BBQ guide directs the best BBQ in Texas along with many tips and tricks of what to order, and where.
