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Monday, October 1, 2012

White Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookies {THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS LINKY PARTY #101}

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS has changed, you can now link up ANY recipe you'd like. Come one, Come all. NO rules, NO requirements, just link up any recipe (or food related craft items) and hop around to visit all the great recipes.

Cookies are hardly ever store bought around here (maybe with the exception of Oreo's for the little boy). I am always finding new cookie recipes to make (I freeze whatever is not eaten the first day) and therefore we have fresh homemade cookies almost year-round. This was another one of those recipes, found online and couldn't resist.

White Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookies

recipe found at Averie Cooks

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1-1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
Plus: 1 tbsp cinnamon & 1/4 c white sugar, mixed in a small bowl for dipping/rolling the dough (to retain a true “sugar cookie” rather than snickerdoodle, omit the cinnamon and just roll in sugar)
Preheat oven to 350. Cream together in a mixer the softened butter and sugars until very smooth and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla extract and beat until well combined. Stir in the cinnamon, baking soda, and flour and mix until just combined. Do not overmix.
Stir in the white chocolate chips and place the whole mixing bowl into the freezer for about 10 minutes so that it chills a bit. You can also chill the dough for an hour or longer in the refrigerator.
While the dough is chilling, prepare the cinnamon sugar mixture for rolling.
After approximately 10 minutes, remove the chilled dough from the freezer and form 1 inch balls. I use a cookie scoop and it's awesome for any kind of cookie dough. Roll the balls through the cinnamon sugar mixture and place on prepared cookie sheet (sprayed with cooking spray).

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until just barely set. Allow the cookies to cool, well, on the cookie sheets before attempting to remove them.

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS has changed, you can now link up ANY recipe you'd like. Come one, Come all. NO rules, NO requirements, just link up any recipes (or food related craft items) and hop around to visit all the great recipes.
If you are a regular to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS Linky party, then link-up we're excited to see what you made this week. We are no longer sticking with ONE theme, so just link up any of your favorite recipes. 

Please Grab Our Button!!!

Your hostess for this linky arty are: Tina from MOMS CRAZY COOKING, Nicole from The Daily Dish and Kristi from Veggie Converter.

THE LINKY PARTY is opened ALL Week, come back and link up as many times as you wish, we can't wait to see all your fun and new recipes you made this week!


  1. Thanks for hosting, Tina! Have a great week :)

  2. Hi Tina, thanks for hosting, have a great week :)

  3. I linked up and I follow now. I am adding your button to my meme list. I am starting a new meme on Friday!

    Diana Rambles
    Bento Blog Network
    Link Rink

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm all linked up and following you now!

  6. Looking at the photo made my stomach wobble in craving! The cookies looked very crispy and delicious! Thanks for these easy guidelines, Tina. I’ll definitely try this one! =)

    - Neva Modzelewski
