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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Family Meal Planning 5-8-11

Click here to see previous week's Family Meal Planning! 

Sorry, no meal plan for last week. We were away in Florida for the 2001 Dance Worlds (kinda'of like the Olympics of the Cheerleading and Dance world). I am very proud to say that my daughters (Ashlyn & Kayley's) team took home the BRONZE and this is something to be very proud of. Their Senior Pom Team took 3rd place in the WORLD in the Senior Pom Dance category, WOW!!! The company that my girls dance for Pace Elite, they took home 3 GOLDS, 1 SILVER and 1 BRONZE and we only brought 5 teams. Which means, YEP, all 5 teams took home a medal. It was a VERY exciting time for everyone!  This is my girls second year attending the Dance Worlds competition (last year their team took home a SILVER, 2nd place). The video for this year will not hit You Tube for quite some time, but I'd love to share with all of you last year's Senior Pom Video (click to view). All of these girls are AMAZING and this is an unbelievable experience for them. They meet dancers from all over the World, the exchange t-shirts and watch each other dance their hearts out! Even with the language gap, they still are able to communicate through dance. It's awesome, amazing and a wonderful thing.
My daughters will be Seniors next year, we will be praying diligently that God will guide them into making the right decision about Pace and about college for next year. 

Dance is their LIFE.. they breathe.... DANCE! With practice at least 3 days a week 3 to 4 hours a day, you can imagine they MUST love it with all their heart! And this routine will end their 9th year at Pace Elite. We arrived home from Florida Dance Worlds late Monday night, the year-end Pace banquet was Wednesday night and try-outs for the next year was Saturday. There is NO break.... 365 days a year DANCE... DANCE... DANCE...  and I am so happy they LOVE IT!!! Congrats again Ashlyn, Kayley and all of the girls at Pace Elite. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! 

2011 Pace Elite Senior Pom "Don't Stop..believ'in'"
Now for my menu for this week... we will be using up freezer food and NO trips to the grocery store this week. Which is a mighty good thing since my $150 dollar grocery budget was used for Mother's Day for a restaurant treat for my family! (good thing we stock pile and have plenty of food in the house) It's another short week and it's time to have a little one-on-one time with my son and we will be camping this weekend. YAHOOOOO Kern River here we come!!!

Check back and we will link the actual recipe!
(not all recipes will become reality so if there is not a link, we haven't made it yet)

Logan County Burgers (I FINALLY got a good picture of this so look for recipe soon)
Pizza Night (eating out)
Doritos Taco Salad
then..... off camping for the rest of the week
and I am in charge of desserts.... I've already made Red Velvet Cake Balls, and tonight I will make Margarita Cupcakes and White Chocolate Lemon Cake Cookies!!!

Click for the recipe for White Chocolate Lemon Cake Cookies

Also don't forget our weekly linky party
this week is "BRUNCH Recipes"

I LOVE Linky Parties, what a great way to mix and mingle with lots of bloggers! Today, I am sharing my Menu Planning & My BUDGET Grocery Shopping with: Tip Junkie's Tip Me Tuesday, I'm and Organizing Junkie: Meal Plan Mondayand GCC Shopping Round Up,


  1. Wow, your daughter's team was amazing! Cant wait to see this years.

  2. Congrats! Your princesses are gorgeous! They have indeed made you really proud :)
