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Monday, May 9, 2011

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS #28 (Brunch Recipes) and Pineapple Berry Cobbler

The Theme is: Brunch Recipes
(Share a wonderful brunch recipe you had for Mother's Day!)
My Mother's Day was filled with family, relaxing, NO cooking and an Angel's Baseball game. It was a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day with my children and my husband (who often works on holiday's).

My daughter Kayley LOVES making dessert, the other twin Ashlyn LOVES making meals. They have been wanting to make everything in the cookbook they bought me for Christmas The Princess and the Frog: Tiana's Cookbook: Recipes for Kids (Disney Princess: the Princess and the Frog) (Hardcover). This is our second recipe we've liked and still plan on making many more.

This is a reverse cobbler, instead of the filling on the bottom you put it on top and then as it bakes the topping puffs up and over the bubbling fruit! It was delicious! We served it with whip cream, but vanilla ice cream would have been so much better. I just LOVE that my daughters are enjoying cooking and baking so much! They are actually in the process of creating their own blog. I am so excited for them and of course, I will be sharing it with all of you as soon as it's up and running!

Pineapple Berry Cobbler

1/2 cup butter
3 cups sliced strawberries (original recipe was peaches)
1/2 can of pineapple chunks (add by my creative daughter)
1 cup raspberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
Whipped Cream or Vanilla Ice Cream for topping

Heat the oven to 350. Use a pat of the butter to grease a cast-iron skillet (or a casserole dish). Set the skillet aside. Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan over low heat. Remove the pan from the stove and set it aside.

Combine the fruit in a medium bowl and sprinkle 1 tbsp of the sugar over them. Gently stir the fruit and then set it aside.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Add the remaining sugar, the milk, and the vanilla extract. Stir until the mixture is evenly blended.

Pour the melted butter into the batter and stir quickly but gently to mix it in. Immediately pour the batter into the skillet. Add the fruit with it's juices, spooning it evenly into the pan and lightly pressing it partway into the batter with spatula.

Bake the cobbler until the top is golden brown, about 1 hour. Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream.

A LIST OF "FOOD" LINKY PARTIES: It's MONDAY already! Let's do this bloggers... it's a fresh start to a NEW week! I can't wait to mix and mingle with all of you and see what has been cooking in your kitchens! Today I will be sharing this recipe here: Homemaker Monday, I Made It MondayJust Something I Whipped Up, Made by You MondaysMaking the World Cuter, Market Yourself Monday, Melt in Your Mouth MondayMotivate Me MondayMouthwatering Monday, Your Recipes My Kitchen, Mangia MondayJust Another Meatless Monday, Midnight Maniac Meatless Mondays, My Meatless MondaysMuffin Monday

Now onto the LINKY PARTY! Please only link recipes with our theme!
This week's theme is: BRUNCH Recipes

Here is a complete list of the past weeks and a list of what's coming up on This Week's Cravings!
If you are a regular link-up we're excited to see what you made! If you are new please read & follow the simple rules, so everyone can enjoy the linky party! If you forget to follow the theme, link back or add a button IN YOUR post you will receive a gentle reminder. THANKS A MILLION!

Please Grab Our Button!!!

This Week's Cravings Past & Future Recipe Links

This is a BLOG HOP Party hosted by MOMS CRAZY COOKING, From My Tiny Kitchen and Delightful Country Cookin'  stop on by and say HELLO to the other hosts!

The LINKY PARTY is opened ALL Week!
(from Monday to the following Monday at Midnight)!


  1. I am looking forward to all the yummy recipes! Your cobbler sounds so amazing - I will definitely be making this delicious dessert! Thank you for sharing and hosting!

  2. Your cobbler is mouth watering! I always like moist desert :)

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I love pineapple and have never used it in a cobbler - looks amazing! We've linked up two favorite recipes we used this Mother's Day - our Broiled Shrimp and Orzo and our Overnight French Toast. Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. The cobbler sounds delicious! I'll have to make it soon!

    So sorry about the multiple links, it didn't appear to be working on my end, but apparently it was!

  5. I love the idea of how this cobbler is made. It sounds wonderful and it looks delicious too! How lovely that your daughters like to cook, and that one like to make main courses and the other desserts - perfect! Thank you for hosting :)

  6. Sounds like you had a great (and delicious!) mother's day! :-) The girls did a great job.

  7. wow, that cobbler looks good! mmmm! I'm so into desserts like this with fruit lately!

  8. I love cobbler... thank you so much for hostessing!

  9. You have a lovely blog here! Looking forward to coming back again :) Thanks for the party!

  10. Thank you for asking me to share my link here!

  11. Thanks for inviting me over!

    The Farm Girl

  12. Dear Tina

    Thank you for the invite! Your recipe looks fabulous - I am putting it on my list of recipes to try. I do a similar one but it uses too many processed ingredients - yours has some of the "recipe makeover" elements I've been looking for!

    Have a fabulous week!

  13. Yum. I love brunch. I linked up a few casseroles, and some S'more Donuts. Thanks for the invite!

  14. That sounds the idea of pineapple in there with the berries! Thanks so much for sharing on Mangia Mondays!

  15. Lots of yumminess right here! Thanks for hosting!

  16. Your cobbler sounds delicious! Thanks for hosting :-)

  17. Looks like there were a ton of great choices this week. Thanks for hosting the party for us!

  18. Thanks so much for linking up your fabulous recipe at Muffin Monday! Hope to see you again this week!
