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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Peppermint Crunch Frosting Fudge: CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE

Peppermint Crunch Frosting Fudge
Welcome to challenge #4 of the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE, it's December and what better time then now to feature FUDGE. Who doesn't love all the sweets and the homemade fudge that people make around the holiday's. I know I do! My family's tradition is having Grandma's Hundred Dollar Fudge, and since that recipe is already posted here on my blog I had to search for a new recipe. I came across plenty... as you can see I made SIX, yes SIX different versions of FUDGE to find the Ultimate FUDGE recipe.


Wondering what the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE is? Want to join the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE? If so, we'd love to have you. Just click on the name above or the tab and fill out the form. You will then be sent an email with all the details. Only participants of the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE will be able to have their recipes linked-up, so please come join us for next month when we will be searching for the ULTIMATE Chicken Noodle Soup.

The reason I picked this fudge above all the rest, is because it's delicious, but also because it's SO easy! I used Andes Peppermint Crunch candies, but you can use ANY kind of candy from mints to chocolate. I will be trying a few more batches of this before the month is over. I am going to try Snickers and a few other candy ideas I have for this A-MAZ-ING recipe.

(On a side note, I am also hosting the 12 Days of Christmas Goodies ... and earlier today I posted my second favorite fudge recipe... this other post below is open for anyone to link up Fudge Recipes. See the post below.)

I will be posting ALL of these Fudge recipes on my blog (it may take me a few weeks to do so). I am picking my two favorite recipes for today. Our of all six recipes I made I only had one flop, it was a good baking day for me.

Pumpkin Fudge
Red Velvet Fudge (flop recipe)
Butterfinger Fudge
Nutella Sea Salt Fudge
Funfetti Fudge

ULTIMATE RECIPE (in my opinion)
Peppermint Crunch Frosting Fudge

It was very interesting making all these fudge recipes. You can cook fudge, boil fudge, microwave fudge, you can whip it up with a mixer, you can mold it into a pan and let it sit. I was amazed at all the different methods for making fudge. And honestly I don't even know which is my favorite way?

But when I found this EASY-PEASY frosting fudge over at Cookies & Cups, I just knew I would like it. No boiling, No cooking, just microwave, mix and go! Now that I can handle!

Peppermint Crunch Frosting Fudge
recipe adapted by me , but found at Cookies & Cups

1 can of Vanilla Frosting (16 oz)
1 (12 oz) bag white chocolate chips, or White Melting Chips
2 cups of Candy (Andes Peppermint Crunch Thins) or the original recipe called for Peanut Butter Ritz Bits, try Snickers too (almost anything will work)

Lay down wax paper in a 9×9 or 8×8 pan, depending on the thickness you desire for your fudge. Melt you chips in the microwave, as soon as they are melted, stir in your entire can of frosting. Once combined fold in your candy. Spread into prepared pan and chill for 30 minutes. When firm, cut into squares. Serve or store in an air tight container.

Now, go ahead and CLICK LIKE on #1
the Peppermint Crunch Frosting Fudge and VOTE for ME!


  1. Wow, that is a lot of fudge! Happy neighbors! That peppermint frosting looks unreal.

  2. Brilliant! Thank-you so much for coming up with this party. Already looking forward to January's. :-)

  3. SO easy and delicious looking! I'm looking forward to your other recipes as well :)

  4. Oh, that does look delicious... and fool-proof! Good choice. :)

    I am excited for our next challenge... Chicken soup sounds so good right now.

  5. This looks fabulous! I want to make a peppermint fudge for the holidays so this is the one I am going to make. Looks so simple and absolutely delicious! Thanks for hosting such a fun challenge! :)

  6. I LOVE peppermint! What a wonderful recipe! Thanks for hosting this!!!

  7. Ha! 6 batches? You sound like me =o) These do look amazing! So pretty with the white and red. And with frosting? That sounds strange enough that I have to try it! Can't wait!

  8. Your fudge sounds amazing, which is why I pinned it hoping to make a few different kinds for Christmas goodies. I'm a little sad I sat this round out, but hopefully I'll have time to participate next month! :)

  9. I still can't get over that you made 6 types of fudge! You are awesome! So happy that I am on the Cooking Challenge Tina!


  10. This is an awesome recipe! I love that it uses frosting. I was killing myself looking for a recipe that didn’t use condensed milk and never came across one like this. I ended up using condensed milk in the end. I’ll have to pin yours later when I go home.

  11. Those Andes mints are my faces! Your fudge looks incredible! I can only imagine how it tasted, yum!

  12. You have been busy. Yummy yummy andi

  13. I love the pretty red pieces! Thanks for hosting this!

    -Krystal @

  14. Holy fudge batman! Your recipients were surely smiling from ear to ear! Lovely job!

  15. That sounds wonderful. I am doing 12 Days of Fudge so I might have to use a variation of this one.

  16. Looks delicious. Thanks for hosting!! This was a fun one!

  17. This one looks super good. Thanks for hosting. I think you should make a few more Tina, your a total slacker. Lol!

  18. 6 batches of fudge?? I'm exhausted just reading that.

  19. What a great recipe! Thanks for hosting this challenge.

  20. Ooohhh yummy! I have never ever made fudge and this fudge recipe is really tempting! I would love it if you would stop by and share it at Mrs Foxs Sweet Party :)

  21. So glad I bopped over from the link up on Kelly's blog. I can't wait to make this.

  22. I made this one!!! Voted for you too. :) It was so quick and fool-proof. Going to be a go-to recipe for me since it can probably be done a few diff ways. Thanks. Merry Christmas!!

  23. Thanks, Tina for hosting the Crazy Cooking Challenge. I love participating in it! You really did make all sorts of fudge! How fun! I can't wait to see the Butterfinger Fudge recipe.

  24. Hi Tina, my mouth is watering just looking at all the beautiful fudge. Thanks so much for sharing. have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

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