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Thursday, December 8, 2011

12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS GOODIES (Day 8): Red Velvet Cake Balls - Reindeer

Day 8 of 12 Days of Christmas Goodies
Red Velvet Cake Balls - Reindeer

Red Velvet Cake Balls are an annual Holiday Tradition in our home! I only started making these a few years ago and now we don't go without them at Christmas time (and a few other times throughout the year). Everyone loves them and they are thee most requested holiday treat I've ever made. This year is no different. This is my first batch so far this month and I know there will be many more. My twins are taking these cute little reindeer to math class tomorrow. I know all the kids in their class (which are all girls) and their awesome math teachers are going to LOVE them!

This recipe is already on my blog. So, it's a repeat. But SO worth repeating. Here is my post from last year when I made them. Red Velvet Cake Balls

Grab Our Button & the Blog Hop Code if you wish to display the Linky on your own Blog. Or just link up and play along with us as we gather a ton of THEME recipes for the next 12 days.

Red Velvet Cake Balls
recipe for cake balls received from a facebook friend
idea for Reindeer found at Lisa Storms

1 box Red Velvet Cake (cook as directed on box in a 9x13 pan)

1 can cream cheese frosting
2 pkg White or Chocolate Bark (or melting chocolate from a cake store)

Make sure cake is completely cooled. Crumble into a large bowl and mix in frosting. Roll into quarter size balls (it's easier to use a small melon scoop); place on wax paper and then freeze for at least 3 hours. (I freeze overnight) Melt chocolate (a little at a time). Roll cake balls into white chocolate (use a spoon for less mess); and place back on wax paper. (I like to use sprinkles too)

For Reindeer: You can buy eyes from any cake store or I used melted white chocolate and a tube of black chocolate, both that dry well (do not use the gell stuff it does not dry). For the nose andy red candy, we used Cinnamon candies. Then we wslipped them in a baggie and add the piping stick to hold it close and become the antlers.

To Store: I keep them in the freezer until ready to serve or give away.

We will  be having a linky party for the first 12 days in Decmeber. It's a BLOG HOP Party, so if you wish you can grab the blog hop code below or just link up some of your recipes with our THEME.

Here is a SNEAK PEAK of what's coming up and what's been happening.....
All the Blog Hops will be OPEN until Christmas Day (so there is plenty of time to link up)!

Day 1 - Candy Bark "Pretzel Bark"
Day 2 - Christmas Cookies "S'more Chocolate Chip Cookies"
Day 3 - Bread & Muffins "Reese's Peanut Butter Banana Bread"
Day 4 - Truffles "Egg Nog Truffles"
Day 5 - Cupcakes "Apple Pie Cupcakes"

Day 6 - Snowman "Anything SNOWMAN"
Day 7 - Fudge "Butterfinger Fudge"
Day 8 - Cake Pops or Cake Balls "Red Velvet Cake Balls - Reindeer"
Day 9 - Gifts in a Jar "Peppermint Hot Chocolate in a Jar"
Day 10 - Sugar Cookies "Swirl Sugar Cookies"
Day 11 - Homemade Candy "Peanut Butter Cups"
Day 12 - Anything Candy Cane "White Chocolate Candy Cane Pudding Cookies"

Today's Theme is CAKE POPS or CAKE BALLS!
I can't wait to see all of your CAKE POP recipes!


  1. What did you use for the eyes? Is it a frosting that hardens so it won't stick to the baggie? These are absolutely adorable : )

  2. Your reindeer are adorable! I definitely think I need to add reindeer to my to-do list!

  3. And the eyes? What you used to make the eyes?

  4. Red velvet AND reindeer in the same cake ball...LOVE! These are adorable. I have to admit, I haven't braved the cake ball craze yet. I feel pretty good that I conquered cupcakes in cones. But...for these, I think I shall have to try it!
    Do you know how well they freeze? Thanks for linking up at Hating Martha!

  5. Thanks for linking up at Summit St! would love for you to link back or post a button... Thanks again! I can't wait to try these! :)
