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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup: CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE

Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Welcome to challenge #5 of the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE. This month bloggers have been busy and relaxing from all the holiday festivities and even though we may have a few less players for the Chicken Noodle Soup Challenge, the ones who are here are AWESOME! I know myself and many others will be pinning away, bookmarking and commenting on all the WONDERFUL recipes! So, thank you for reading, thank you for participating and thank you for coming by to check out all the recipes!

I live in California and it's hard to make soup in the 84 degree temperatures we are having this week. BUT, I did it! And with a house full of sick people is was perfect timing (except my twins were so sick they didn't even eat it). I did though, and maybe just maybe from having all the fresh chicken noodle soup in me, I warded off the flu (so far!). I even got to share the soup with some of our out of town guests that came down with the flu. This recipe challenge was good-timing for my family. I now have a delicious soup in my freezer for any future needs. (yes, of course I froze some baggies of soup, and it will be  there when I need it!)


Wondering what the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE is? Want to join the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE? If so, we'd love to have you. Just click on the name above or the tab and fill out the form. You will then be sent an email with all the details. Only participants of the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE will be able to have their recipes linked-up, so if you missed this month please come join us for next month when we will be searching for the ULTIMATE Chocolate Cake.

Let's get onto the soup! I have never made homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and boy are there alot of recipes out there. Creamy, Healthy, Fresh Noodles, Frozen and so many choices. I was kind of in a panic when I made my soup. I had kids sick (literally throwing up, not eating and I was trying to get some soup to them fast!) I knew the challenge was right around the corner and I had all the stuff to make the soup. I looked through my wonderful PINS!

(Have I told you how much I LOVE Pinterest, no, really

If you need an invite, just leave your email address in the comments and I will invite you to PIN along with us! It's such and AWESOME site, so much FUN and a time waster too, BUT I STILL LOVE IT!! Okay, enough said! Anyhow, I jumped right over, I knew I had pinned a few soup recipes and picked the most "good looking" soup I could find. The blog I found it on is called Let's Dish!

And I just have to share this amazing trick I found on Pinterest.... shredded chicken in about 2 seconds flat in my mixer. For years I have been shredding with a fork, burning my fingers and all. I had NO idea I could just throw all the cooked chicken in my blender for a few seconds and BAM shredded chicken! PERFECT, EVERYTIME!
Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup
recipe adapted by me , but found at Let's Dish

2 tbsp butter
2 cups chopped carrots
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup very finely diced onion
6 to 12 cups chicken broth (I used 12 cups... made alot)
6-8 boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins (or chicken breasts)
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 to 2 cups milk
1 pkg noodles (use your favorite kind)
Salt and pepper, to taste

Cook chicken breasts in a pot of water until chicken is cooked through. (You can use pre-cooked rotisserie chicken or left over chicken too). Shred and set aside. Cook noodles (al dente) according to package directions, drain & set aside.

Meanwhile, melt butter in a large sauce pan over medium-high heat. Add the chopped onion, celery and carrots and saute until the vegetables are just tender, about 5 minutes. Add chicken broth to vegetables in pot and bring to a simmer.  Add the milk to the pot and return to a boil. Gently stir the noodles into the broth, along with the shredded chicken. Cook for about 15 minutes. Stir in cream of chicken soup and simmer for about 5 to 10 more minutes.

Click on your favorites to cast your vote!
My recipe is #1 Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup!
VOTE FOR ME and CLICK on #1 in the Linky Party! 


  1. Looks great! Easy to throw together on a busy weeknight too.


  2. Mmm... that does sound like a delicious variation. I will add that to my Pinterest board. :)

  3. I love the chicken trick! I didn't know you could blend it either!

  4. This soup is so good...I used Let's Dish's recipe too and I couldn't believe how creamy good it was!

    Thanks for hosting and sharing!

    The Rickett Chronicles

  5. This soup looks so good. I just got a cold yesterday and feeling under the weather. This creamy chicken noodle soup looks so warm and comfy I wish I had a big bowl to enjoy now! Thanks for hosting this fun challenge!

  6. Your soup looks AMAZING Tina!! Perfect for sick peeps. I'm definitely going to try yours. :)

  7. This looks delicious. I love the creaminess. It has been warm here in Las Vegas, also, so soup is the last thing I am looking to eat, but it is my husbands favorite. He can eat it almost anytime, except in the heart, or should I say heat, of summer. Thanks for hosting. I will be trying this recipe!

  8. Excellent tip for shredding the chicken! Thanks for sharing and for hosting too!

  9. Thanks for putting this together. What a fun challenge. I am impressed with the amazing different kinds of chicken noodle soup that everyone found.

  10. This was so much fun! Can't wait until next month's challenge :-)

  11. This looks wonderful! Had fun with the soup challenge this month; thanks so much for hosting!

  12. Your soup looks great! Thanks so much for hosting the challenge, I always have fun with it!

  13. Thank you Tina for making this all possible. I will stay with this club each month, but I have stopped the SCR. Will all the changes etc I decided to let someone else play in my place. Your soup looks wonderful and hope it helped with all the sick ones around. Andi

  14. Yum! It sounds easy and looks delicious.

  15. Glad we had this challenge, I never realized how easy it really was to make your own chicken noodle soup. My soup had a clear broth, which I loved, but your version sure sounds good too, especially when your wanting a filling soup. Thanks for hosting Tina, I cant wait till next months challenge. I already have my cake recipe picked out, and will be buying the ingredients when I go shopping Monday. My hubby has a major sweet tooth, so he's looking forward to it.

  16. What a scrumptious looking soup. I owe you big time. I make chicken soup, each week and now I can vary the soup with so many of these delicious recipes. Yeah Tina.

  17. What a great challenge this month Tina...and your soup looks amazing!

  18. Mmm, that looks delish! Thanks for hosting this monthly challenge. I've really been enjoying it :)

  19. 84 degrees??? Holy smokes. I'll take it. And I would LOVE your soup as well! It's 30 degrees here and this would be perfect! SOrry I had to step out this month. Looking forward to February!

  20. This recipe, with its fusilli, looks like it was made just for my kids! Thanks for the challenge! x

  21. Thanks for getting this together each month. I have shredded my chicken with the paddle attachment for a long time. I have so many uses for my mixer. I love its versatility. I also cook my chicken breasts-when batch cooking-in the slow cooker. I just add them to the crockpot, add some season salt, and cover them with some water. I cook them on high for a few hours, and they come out moist and ready to shred. Toss them in my mixer, and it's done.

  22. Tina! Your creamy chicken soup looks incredible, I can't wait to try it, oh my goodness, there are so many amazing soups, I have to go check them all out! I missed posting my Chicken Matzo Ball Soup recipe, but will be posting it as soon as I find my pics, I have a new lap top and I am trying to learn everything fresh! Hope you are having the best weekend!


  23. Looks so good - love the creaminess of it! Thanks for hosting!

  24. Creamy soups are my fav! Hope everyone is feeling better.

    Thanks for hosting and allowing new bloggers to participate!

  25. I know so many people who have had the flu this December! How amazing that you and another blogger chose the same recipe :) PS, I am hosting a ready steady cook challenge this month if you are interested?

  26. Looks soooo good. Can't wait to try! You mentioned Pinterest. I would love to try it. Please send me an invitation. Thank you! Mollycat

  27. Tina, great turn out with yummy looking recipes. Your soup looks amazing. I could make a different recipe each week and still have some to make in 2013. We eat lots of soup for lunches so this will be a wonder resource. Thank for hosting once again. Can hardly wait for Chocolate Cake

  28. Hi,
    Thank you so much for my invitation to Pinterest.
    It asked me to join Facebook which I don't belong to. I'm obviously not very internet savvy. Do I have to join facebook to follow you and do pinterest? Thanks so much from a real newbie old lady. I love to cook, decorate and really enjoy your blog. Any help, info or advise will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Mollycat
