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Monday, January 9, 2012

THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS #63 (SOUPS & CASSEROLES) and Tomato Zucchini Soup

Zucchini Soup

We are still eating healthy and lovin' these new recipes that we are finding. I came across this recipe and thought wow, what an interesting way to cook tomato soup and I just so happen to have some zucchini waiting in my frig to be made into something. I don't know if you would exactly call this healthy because of the sausage, but we are trying to eat all meat, veggies and fruit with zero to no carbs. SO it does fall into our diet! I'll let you know tomorrow how the scale went this week! My first week of this 2012 Diet.

I am just in love with my new Pyrex Dishes! Look how cute these are! I made up this big batch of soup and put individual portions into these bowls with lids that can be reheated later. I put four of them into the refrigerator for my twins to enjoy a hot delicious lunch after school today! :-)

Tomato Zucchini Soup
adapted by me, found on Kristen Duke Photography

1 lb ground sausage (we use the Jimmy Dean roll)

3 to 5 fresh zucchini
1/2 onion, diced
1 tbsp minced garlic
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
8 oz. can tomoato soup
4 to 5 fresh tomatoes, diced 
1 tsp onion powder

Cook ground sausage, set aside. Cut up fresh zucchini into cubes. Cook zucchini, onion and garlic in oil and butter until soft. Throw in cooked sausage, tomato soup, diced tomoatoes and sprinkle of onion powder. Simmer until hot.  Serve Hot!

NOTE: The best part is that the left overs work great to use as pasta sauce ontop of your favorite noodles. I love making left-overs into a completely new meal that my family has no idea I even used the left overs in the first place.

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This Week's Cravings Upcoming Linky "THEMES"
Here is a complete list of the past and what's coming up next on THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS!
January 16 - CHEESE LOVER DAY... any cheese recipe
January 23 - Homemade Pies (National Pie Day)

January 30 - Recipe from Your Favorite Cookbook

February 6 - Nutella Day (Peanut Butter, Almond Butter & More)
If you are new here browse around some past weeks at THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS and you'll see why we are having so much fun and we invite you to link up too. Your hostess for this party are: Tina from MOMS CRAZY COOKING, Angela from Big Bear's Wife, Nicole from The Daily Dish and Kristi from Veggie Converter. We host this theme linky party every Monday (and the party stays open all week long)! We hope to inspire you to make something with our theme or get an old post notice by linking it up to the linky party below.

If you are a regular, link-up we're excited to see what you made this week. Just follow our simple rules, so that everyone can enjoy the linky party! If you forget to follow the theme, your post will be deleted. Please don't feel hurt, just come back and link up a recipe that follows the theme. Thanks a million, we look forward to blogging with you!
The LINKY PARTY is opened ALL Week!

PLEASE do not link more then 3 recipes per week.
This week's theme is: SOUPS & CASSEROLES
Please only link recipes with our theme!

This week's theme is: SOUPS & CASSEROLES
Please only link recipes with our theme!


  1. Just stumbled across your blog and became a follower. Would love for you to check out my blog @

  2. Hi Tina,
    It is sure a soup day here, I would like to try them all. I am sharing my Chicken and Dumplings today. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  3. Hi! Just found you. Thank you so much for hosting! Blessings, Tiffany

  4. You have all week to post? Or is today the last day for the soups and casseroles?

  5. It looks hearty and delicious.

  6. I love the tomato and zucchini soup! We are gardeners, so always have plenty of both in the summer. Now, we have a new way to use them up. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I'm excited to have found you! What great ideas :) Soups are fundamental to the GAPS diet which our family follows - we eat them every day... but somehow have only blogged a few. We're going to have to change that! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Very interesting discussion. As a former diverticulitis sufferer, I know how frustrating it can be to find answers. Just wanted to share a link that helped me out a lot when I was struggling to get better:

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