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Monday, September 20, 2010

Family Meal Planning (9-20-10)

Well, I've made it past my first full week of BLOGGING and oh what fun it is. On Sunday afternoon I pulled out my 4" thick menu idea book and I had the freedom to pick and choose recipes that we have never made before. It is SO much fun! Then I proceeded to make my grocery list and off the the grocery store I went. I still need to figure out the logistics of Wednesday Farmer Market runs (because basically on Monday & Tuesday we have to use up whatever we have left); but so far so good!

I am on my second week of Family Meal Planning and I am sharing with all of you "our plan". Wish us luck and watch in the following weeks for these recipes to be posted here on MOMS CRAZY COOKING .
Click on the links below for the actual recipe
(not all recipes will become reality so if there is not a link, we haven't made it yet)

Cheesy Soup
Penne Pasta w/Summer Squash

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