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Monday, February 20, 2012

Sweet and Smoky Roasted Cauliflower: SECRET RECIPE CLUB

Sweet and Smoky Roasted Cauliflower
This month I am participating in Secret Recipe Club; Group C! All it really means is that I've moved from the second Monday to now posting on the third Monday of each month! And I now have a leader, Angela from Big Bear's Wife. (yea me!!) This is my 10th post for the Secret Recipe Club and I just love meeting new bloggers, making new things from other bloggers and enjoy everything this club have to offer. I stepped down as a leader and decided to just have some fun participating! :-)

Secret Recipe Club

I was assigned my blog and as always I jumped right on over and started pinning. I think I PINNED about 5 or 6 recipes, that someday I hope to make from my secret blog. The blog I was assigned is called Feast on the Cheap, it looks like a fairly new blog (so go check it out if you haven't already) and is written by a mother and daughter. I love seeing these close mother/daughter relationships. It just warms my heart, maybe someday my twin daughters will join me in the kitchen or on my blog. Just yesterday one of my twins said (they are 18 years old so not little twins). She said "mom, I pinned a recipe on Pinterest, did you see it? I replied "yes". She said "please please make it for me", I replied "Um, you can make it yourself, you know where the kitchen is". She said "Ok, if you help me, I will make it and I will even LET you take pictures of me in the kitchen so you can post it on your blog". Spoken from a true food bloggers family! I LOVE IT!!! (no we haven't made that recipe yet, but I see it in my near future)

Yes, my daughter has started pinning too... and she has a board named "FOOD FOR MY MOM TO MAKE"! I truly do love it! (and since the count down has begun for my girls to go off to college... everyday is precious!) Right now we are counting down months, so we are at 5 months. I am sure will will get down to weeks, days, then to hours!!! Happy, Excited, Scared and a little Sad all at the same time!

Here are a few of the other recipes that I hope to be in my near future from this new blog discovery Feast on the Cheap. I will be making this cake for sure during this years apple picking season Spiced Cider Bundt Cake with a Cinnamon-Cider Glaze and I know it would pair perfectly with this Cider-Roasted Pulled Pork Sliders with Braised Red Cabbage and Crisp Apples. I think I just found the perfect meal for the first night of camping while apple picking. (yes, when you camp in luxury motorhomes, you can make these fancy meals)

Sweet and Smoky Roasted Cauliflower
recipe found over at Feast on the Cheap

1 large head of cauliflower, cut into florets
1 med-large sweet onion, rough chopped
1 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
Pinch of black pepper
Pinch of brown sugar
Pinch of Sea Salt
1/4 tsp chile powder

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl, toss together all ingredients coating well. Spread cauliflower onto a large baking sheet – make sure everything has a little space. You want the veggies to roast not steam. Roast for 20-25 minutes until golden and tender.
Here is a list of my past Secret Recipe Club recipes:


  1. Great choice for SRC, this looks so delicious! So glad to be in Group C with you! :)

  2. Hi, Tina!!! I was thrilled to get your blog this month :) So much deliciousness here! And I'm loving what you cooked up for the hubby has finally learned to like cauliflower since I started roasting it...and this looks like a great recipe.

  3. I love this idea for cauliflower! I love the veggie, but don't have a huge amount of experience cooking it. I've veered away from it because, well, you know what happens to cauliflower if you cook it badly! ;-) I'm trying this next time I get some! (And it will be pinned on Pinterest for me to find later!)

  4. Your cauliflower looks delicious! And my oldest daughter is in the same countdown, although she won't leave until September. We're trying to enjoy every last minute!

  5. I absolutely ADORE cauliflower, but my hubby won't touch it...bummer! I have to make cauliflower when he's gone...or when I don't mind eating the leftovers for a day or two afterward. Pinning this all the flavors! Great being in Group C with you!

  6. So nice to meet you Tina - we love this side dish! I love that your daughter has a pinterest board dubbed food for my MOM to make. Too cute!

  7. Roasted cauliflower is always delicious! The spices used in this mix make it sound especially good. Great SRC choice!

  8. I love roasted cauliflower. I can't wait to try these seasonings!

  9. I love Feast on the Cheap, it's one of my favorite blogs. I haven't made this recipe of theirs yet. Think I will this week since I have cauliflower to cook. Welcome to Group C!!!

  10. I love roasted cauliflower! It is so good. Welcome to Group C.

  11. I LOVE roasted cauliflower and have a bag in my frig. Need to make this recipe soon. Yum!! Glad to be part of SRC group C with you.

  12. Thanks for the roasted cauliflower recipe. It seems like a great side for dinner.

  13. Love cauliflower, so yummy! And yep you can cook pretty much anything in a motor-home, couldn't live in one otherwise.

  14. Tina, this looks absolutely wonderful!!! I LOOOOOVE cauliflower! I'll have to try this one for sure. Thanks!

  15. man alive! those little caramelized bits on the cauliflower just make my mouth yearn. cauliflower is one of my most treasured vegetables and i love what you've done here. Happy src reveal from a group D member...

    ps. it's not camping if you're sleeping in anything with wheels. ;)

  16. Roasted cauli is one of our favorites and I'm going to have to give this recipe a try.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Group 'A' SRC entry: Crunchy Fudgy Heart Bites

    Cook Lisa Cook

  17. What a yummy side dish--I'm always in need of fun new sides. I had Feast on the Cheap--wow, that blog is full of great recipes. I've met so many great bloggers in the SRC.
